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  • Writer's pictureDr. Guadalupe Vanderhorst Rodriguez D.Ac, L.Ac

Unlock Ancient Healing Secrets with Indigenous Acupuncture: Discover the Power of Three Treasures Wellness Center

Updated: May 20

The Ancient Art of Indigenous Acupuncture

Indigenous Acupuncture Medicine Wheel

Acupuncture, an age-old practice rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, has been revered for its profound healing properties for centuries. However, beyond the widely known Chinese acupuncture, there exists another rich tradition that often goes unnoticed – Indigenous Acupuncture. At Three Treasures Wellness Center, we pride ourselves on embracing this lesser-known form of acupuncture, offering our clients a unique and holistic approach to healing.

Understanding Indigenous Acupuncture

Adirondack Mountains

Indigenous Acupuncture, also known as Native American Acupuncture, is a traditional healing modality that has been passed down through generations of Indigenous peoples. Unlike its Chinese counterpart, Indigenous Acupuncture incorporates not only the physical aspect of healing but also the spiritual and emotional dimensions.

In my years of practice, I've witnessed the profound impact that Indigenous Acupuncture can have on individuals. One patient stands out in my memory – a 43-year-old male struggling with chronic congenital disorder stemming from birth defect that was the result of the mother prescribe a medication called Diethylstilbestrol. Through series of acupuncture treatments that included electric acupuncture to specific acupuncture points, and gentle application of Indigenous Acupuncture techniques, he found relief not only from his physical intermittent pain s but also experienced a deep sense of emotional release of fear and a renew spiritual faith in his healing.

The Three Treasures Approach

Three Treasures Jing, Shen, Qi

At Three Treasures Acupuncture & Wellness Center, we believe in a holistic approach to healing that honors the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. Our practice is rooted in the concept of the Three Treasures – Jing, Qi, and Shen.

Jing represents our essence, the foundation of our being. Qi is our vital energy, flowing through meridians and nourishing every aspect of our being. Shen is our spirit, encompassing our consciousness and emotional well-being. By harmonizing these Three Treasures, we can achieve optimal health and vitality.

The Healing Journey Begins

bamboo bridge over a stream of water

When clients first step into our center, they are greeted by a warm and tranquil environment designed to promote relaxation and inner peace. Before beginning any treatment, we take the time to listen to our clients' concerns and understand their unique needs.

One of the fundamental principles of Indigenous Acupuncture is the belief that everyone possesses their own innate healing wisdom. As an acupuncturist my role is not to "fix" our clients but rather to facilitate the body's natural ability to heal itself. Through the strategic placement of needles along specific energy pathways, we help to unblock stagnant energy and restore balance to the body.

Personalized Treatment Plans

A lady sitting in a field of grass

No two individuals are alike, and neither are their paths to healing. That's why we take a personalized approach to every treatment plan, tailoring our techniques to address each client's specific needs and goals.

For example, a 40-year-old female client her acupuncture treatment plan helped to relief her from chronic pain, she also struggled with depression due to her chronic pain. By incorporating techniques such as body acupuncture, and deeply focusing on her chronic pain, and massaging the area to increase blood flowing and removing the stagnation in the area, this holistic approach that included physical emotional and spiritual promoted her body to naturally heal itself.

Beyond the Needles: Holistic Wellness

While acupuncture serves as the cornerstone of our practice, we recognize that true wellness extends beyond the treatment table. That's why we offer a range of complementary services designed to support our clients on their journey to health and vitality.

From herbal medicine and nutritional counseling to meditation and mindfulness practices, we provide our clients with the tools they need to cultivate balance and harmony in every aspect of their lives.

A Testimonial of Healing

One of our clients, Sarah, came to us seeking relief from chronic migraines that had plagued her for years. Despite trying various medications and treatments, she found little relief until she discovered Indigenous Acupuncture at Three Treasures Wellness Center.

"After just a few sessions, I noticed a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of my migraines," Sarah shares. "But more than that, I felt a sense of clarity and peace that I hadn't experienced in years. Indigenous Acupuncture not only relieved my physical symptoms but also helped me to reconnect with myself on a deeper level."

Embracing Indigenous Wisdom

White Dream Catcher

As practitioners of Indigenous Acupuncture, we recognize the profound wisdom that Indigenous cultures have to offer in the realm of healing. By honoring and preserving these ancient traditions, we hope to not only facilitate healing in our clients but also to contribute to the preservation of Indigenous knowledge and culture.

Conclusion: Experience the Power of Indigenous Acupuncture

In a world that often prioritizes quick fixes and superficial solutions, Indigenous Acupuncture offers a refreshing alternative – a return to the wisdom of the ancients, a recognition of the inherent healing power that resides within each of us.

At Three Treasures Acupuncture & Wellness Center, we invite you to embark on a journey of healing and transformation. Whether you're seeking relief from physical pain, emotional turmoil, or simply a greater sense of well-being, Indigenous Acupuncture holds the key to unlocking your body's innate healing potential.


Contact us today to schedule your consultation and experience the power of Indigenous Acupuncture for yourself. Your journey to health and vitality begins here with Three Treasures Acupuncture Wellness Center scheduled for your appointment today.


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